I think i still like the original best, but it's always fun to hear the same song 100 ways, right? Here are 3 versions of Matisyahu's inspirational single, "One Day".
The first time I heard it I felt the way that the struggling basketball team must feel at the end of their disney channel original movie when the ball bounces off the headboard (backboard? that thing behind the basket. basketboard? no.) and it goes into the basket as the buzzer goes off and they all cheer because that last basket meant they just won the championship game by 1 point. You feel hopeful and invincible and like a real mensch. (click
here for you non-Yiddish speakers.)
You're at once aware of the terrible state of the world and yet convinced that if everyone just heard this song that there really would be no more wars and our children really would play. So maybe akon and blink 182 don't really enforce that message of attainable world peace, but hey, at least they help make some fun songs!
(Why does Akon feel the need to sing his name at the beginning of every song? Sean Paul does that too, and they have two of the most distinct voices. Guys, we know it's you. Relax.)
(I really don't get the appeal of 'All the Small Things' in here. This is sort of a song about big things. Like world peace. New title: All the Big Things? I get John Lennon and Bob Marley in here. But Tom Delonge whining "I'll be your thrill" detracts from Lennon's heartfelt message. For me, at least.)